lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019


If we start talking about sport, I don’t have a lot of things to say. I never was good in sports, it’s not my cup of tea, besides sports never liked me. I always refuse to  the idea of learn any sports, I think they are boring, but if I have to name sports that I’m interested, probably I would say tenis or ping pong, because I really like to play them, obviously in an amateur way. I don’t know if it counts, but I really love playing taca-taca and chess, I’m really good in both but since I left school, I don’t play them. So, I guess I prefer to talk about a leisure activity.

In 2015 with my friend, decided to join us to the orchestra of my school. My friends took classes of violin or viola, I personally preferred Violoncello. I really like this instrument because I think that it has a perfect tone, Cello could reach a lot of notes; it could play shrill and deep notes; this make that Violoncello was my first option.
I was part of Providencia’s orchestra, and I went to the orchestra every Saturday during 3 years. I had Violoncello classes at the morning, and then I had rehearsal with all the orchestra. It was a string orchestra, so there were violins, violas, violoncellos and contrabass. My teacher of violoncello was Fernanda Guerra, she is a very good cellist and teacher, she taught me most of the things I know about Violoncello and reading scores. Also I learnt so much with my boss row (the boss row is the person with more talent and knowledge about an instrument of the orchestra, so there was a boss row of violin, viola, contrabass and in my case violoncello, also the boss row is in charge of the organization and coordination of all the row) her name was Valentina Palomino, she play the cello since 2012, and now she study Violoncello at the Universidad de Chile, I love her, I think she’s a very good person and very talented women, I admire her so much. Also, she is part of a band called “Narval Orquesta”, and they’re going to show their music to Germany, I’m so glad for her!
Fernanda Guerra, my teacher.
Valentina Palomino

Valentina and me <3

Sadly, I had to left Orchestra because in 2017 I didn’t have a lot of time because I had to take a preuniversitario, it was a really hard decision to me because I really enjoy playing the Violoncello. In the last time, I’ve been thinking about taking a CFG of strings instrument, but I’m not really sure if I want this, because I lost the practice. I would like to go back on time and still being in orchestra, I was really happy there and also orchestra gives me the opportunity to know a lot of nice people.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Please don't ask me about future.

At the moment, I at study sociology in Universidad de Chile so now I’m focused on finishing the pregrade, instead of thinking about future studies. But, if you ask me what course I consider taking in the future, I’d probably chose a postgraduate related to studies of gender.

When I was at school, I’ve started to show interest in feminism and since then, I really enjoy reading about feminist theory, studies and inquiries about gender and mechanism of violence that affected and affects women. As it doesn’t exist a career dedicated specifically to studies of gender, I decided to study a major that involved social science that allowed me and gave me some abilities that could help me for studing subject related to gender and similar content.

In my postgrade, I’d really like to learn about all the feminist theories and trends, besides I’d really enjoy have knowledge of how to make studies about gender violence, and this stuff. This course I'd prefer that it were abroad, hopefully in some country with a different language, because I’d really like to learn another language or have better English.  

I think that I’d prefer a course that involves on site classes, because I guess that I’d be so lazy if I take a course online jajaja.  
That is the response I’d probably say if someone asks me what course I consider taking in the future, but in fact I’m not sure if this is what I want in my life, because it’s so soon to think about that, the future scares me a little. Also, I think that I’d really enjoy taking cooking classes, obviously a vegan one and focused on weet food, so I could make some greats recipes, like cakes, candies, brownies, etc.