lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


My favorite music style was always pop. Since I was a little girl I remember myself listening to pop groups and artists, like Miranda, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Marina and the Diamonds, among others. But, in the last months I’ve been really close to trap music, so I guess that today I’m probably going to talk about trap, because I’m a little obsessed.
I started to listened to trap music in 2017, and the first time that I listened to a song of Kendrick Lamar it was because my classmate sang DNA all day long. I knew a few songs of Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Cardi B and offset, but at this time I didn’t know what trap was, I just thought they were kinda rappers or something.
 Until I knew one of my favorite trap singers, Bad Bunny, with him I learned what trap was, and I really started to listen to a lot of his songs, Soy Peor, Krippy Kush, Ya Me Acostumbré, etc. When He was at Festival de Viña, I wanted to go there to see him, but sadly I didn’t have the money. Then, I knew trap Chilean singers, like Princesa Alba, Polimá Westcoast, Young Cister and Pablo Chill-e, and I went to a concert the last summer.(For more info go to the entrance “Upgrade Fest: The best day of my life.”)

I think that I like trap because the trap beats are really interesting and catchy. Also, I like the progress in the trap singers, with less racist and sexist lyrics.
In another moment I will tell you my past with clasic music jaja keep on watching. :)

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

During the course of my life I have had 4 pets; 2 dogs and 2 turtles. At the moment, I have a dog and his name is Simón, but we also call him “Simoncito”, “Shimonchito”, “Chito”, “Peritotito”, etc. Related to his appearance his size is standard, so he is neither small nor big, his fur is white and curly, he is very cute. A really funny fact, is that Chito loves bananas. He goes crazy every time I eat bananas, so I always share my fruits with him. 

Simón was adopted in 2009 when I was nine, so we are so close. He has been part of my life since I was a little girl, so we have grown together. We spend a lot of time together, so we do a lot of stuffs, we sleep, we eat, we rest, and we play. I don’t imagine my life without him.

Once in 2013 we lost Simón. He went outside and he got lost for a week, until my neighbor found him. He was so disoriented and scared, and when he saw us he cried. This was the worst week of my life.
I really love animals, especially dogs, I think that they’re so cute and loyal. Thinking about homeless dogs it makes me feel really sad considering that there are so many people buying pets without thinking of adopting them as an option L

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

Upgrade Festival: The best day of my life.

In the past summer, January to be exactly, I went to the best concert of my life, it was in Valparaíso, so I had to take a bus to went there.

It was a Trap Festival called “Upgrade Fest”, and the singers invited to the event were Princesa Alba, Gianluca, Young Cister, Polimá Westcoast, and last but not least Pablo Chill-e. They are Chilean trap singers, and all of them are very young, no more than 25, even Pablo Chill-e was 18 years old. I went to the concert especially to see, Young Cister and Princesa Alba, I knew the others artist too, but I get bored ‘cause I listened too much their music.
The event started late, the ticket said that the entrance was at 9pm and finally we were able to enter at 11pm. We lost part of the show of Princesa Alba, but this didn’t matter that much to me, because I reached to listen to “Summer Love”, my favorite song of hers. Then, Gianluca started to sing, his music is kind of sad, so it was a little bit depressing, but I liked it. Next, sang Young Cister with Polimá Westcoast, I love them. Lastly, I went to the back of the place to listen to Pablo Chill-e, because I knew just 2 songs.
Resultado de imagen para upgrade fest valparaiso
Finally, in the Upgrade Fest I realized that I really enjoy trap, and I felt in love again with the artists that used to make me feel bored.  
A funny fact that I want to share with you is that like I said before I just knew like 2 songs of Pablo Chill-e and now is one of my favorite trap singers, so I’ll go to another trap festival on May 25th. This festival is called “Trap star”, and there will be performing Pablo Chill-e, Princesa Alba, Polimá Westcoast, Gianluca and Drefquila, I don’t like the last one but at least this festival will be in Santiago.
Resultado de imagen para trap star chile 2019

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


A country that I’d like to visit is Mexico. Mexico is part of Latin America and is located in North America, between USA and Guatemala.  The capital city is Ciudad de Mexico and is one of the most populous cities in the world.

I’d like to go to Mexico because this country has so much history to bring us related to Pre-Columbian cultures, especially Mayas’ and Aztecs’ civilization, so there are many  monuments that were built by these civilizations and so many places associated with them that I’d like to visit, like Chichén Itzá, Teotihuacán, Tlatelolco, etc. Also, in Mexico was the Mexican Revolution in 1910, and the Monument to the Revolution was built in Ciudad de Mexico, so I really like to go there.

A really fun fact is that one of the reasons because I’d like to go to Mexico is that I love spicy food, so I would probably be in love with Vegan Mexican food.

If I go to Mexico, I’d like to go as a visitor. I don’t imagine myself living for a long time in another country, even if I’d like to study outside, probably I would like to go to a place with another language