lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

During the course of my life I have had 4 pets; 2 dogs and 2 turtles. At the moment, I have a dog and his name is Simón, but we also call him “Simoncito”, “Shimonchito”, “Chito”, “Peritotito”, etc. Related to his appearance his size is standard, so he is neither small nor big, his fur is white and curly, he is very cute. A really funny fact, is that Chito loves bananas. He goes crazy every time I eat bananas, so I always share my fruits with him. 

Simón was adopted in 2009 when I was nine, so we are so close. He has been part of my life since I was a little girl, so we have grown together. We spend a lot of time together, so we do a lot of stuffs, we sleep, we eat, we rest, and we play. I don’t imagine my life without him.

Once in 2013 we lost Simón. He went outside and he got lost for a week, until my neighbor found him. He was so disoriented and scared, and when he saw us he cried. This was the worst week of my life.
I really love animals, especially dogs, I think that they’re so cute and loyal. Thinking about homeless dogs it makes me feel really sad considering that there are so many people buying pets without thinking of adopting them as an option L

1 comentario:

  1. Aww your Simón looks so cute! Luckily you found him after having him lost! I imagine how horrible it felt :(
